Friday, November 14, 2014

Surviving IB tips 1.2 (TIME MANAGEMENT)

Homeless Pit Bull with Huge Wound (Graphic)

"If Daisy was left alone on the streets much longer she surely would have died from infection. Luckily she was rescued and brought to Vet Ranch. We kept her for about a month at our facility getting her back to full health. Here is her story."

Vet Ranch. (Nov 7, 2014). From

Hey peopleeeeeee,
DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO if u're squeamish about blood and wound and those stuff.
but yeahh basically I'm going to talk about my second tip to survive IB based on that video, soooo.... just read the video description :D

Okay for you people who don't watch the vid, basically Daisy (the dog) was hit by a car and it left a huge wound on her back - and I mean huge........ :O Soooo, imagine IB is like the car. U were happily living your life, then BOOM..... it hits u in the face, leaving a big wound - the wound is your tons of IB works - and u're left alone having to deal with it just like Daisy in the video. As in the video description said, Daisy could have been dead because of infection. This again like your IB life for 2 years. Not finishing your works, especially your EE and TOK essays, can cause you to fail from getting your diploma to only getting a certificate.

Now, IB does give tons of work to do, but its not impossible to get it all done in time, and all of this depends on your TIME MANAGEMENT.

There's so little time, yet so many works to do

First, make a daily plan and set time limit for each activity based on their importance and urgency. 

Putting the works that is important AND urgent first. This is done to ensure that u finish your deadlines

Secondly, target to be early. Being on time is not enough, if u can finish your work even earlier than the deadline itself, it will ease your life a little. There is always a chance that your computer will broke down, or the internet broke down, or your ink run out which could be fatal. Just like in the video, if the wound is left open for too long, it could lead to complication and worsen the condition. Now, not being able to print it on time, u can still print it at school, but if your laptop broke down and your work is gone... now thats a problem :O

Thirdly, make sure u know what to do for each task, so u don't waste your time. Just like in the video, the vet knows what to do in managing the wound so it could heal properly. U got to know what u're doing man... so that u can do it faster. Well, how u do this is basically pay attention in class.

Fourthly, block out distractions. Distractions could be chats, social networks, games, or TV shows. Well the solution for these is quite straight forward. PUT IT AWAY!!! TURN IT OFF!!! GO TO ANOTHER ROOM WITHOUT YOUR TV AND COMPUTER!!! .... yeahhh :D

Fifthly, set reminders. It could be notes on what are the works not finished yet, or it could be like an alarm every an hour reminding u of the time u've spent on one particular task. Also, it could remind you of how many hours left for your other tasks. This way, u won't spend too much time on one thing and not finishing the other.

In conclusion, there are various ways to manage your time well. It is now up to u, to be committed and do these plans u set up. If u don't take these pointers seriously, not determined to improve and to survive this hellhole then it all will be useless.

Yeahhhh :D this is the end for my post now.
Stay tuned for more !!!

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